Current ratings

This is what our customers say about this shop

Customer service, personal advice and individual support are our top priorities. Feedback from our customers is very important to us to ensure this. Find out more about our customers' experiences here:
5 out of 5 stars
Great service, very knowledgeable and helpful. The gear was top quality also. Thanks.
Flag of United States New Orleans, United States
4.3 out of 5 stars
Wonderful friendly staff, but they didn't tell us we could have left our equipment up in Corviglia each night and not have had to carry it up and down the train every day. That would have made the experience much better. Also, the equipment is not very good... The Swiss make the best watches and chocolate, but not the best skiis. Need better equipment... Vokle, Volant, K2, . .not enough high performance equipment. Next time we will bring our own equipment.
Flag of United States Santa Barbara, United States
4.7 out of 5 stars
Everything was seamless and the staff were extremely helpful and pleasant!! My only complaint when I signed up for rentals I added in the comments I wanted the clip in snowboard and boots and the shop doesn’t have those and no one emailed to let me know. I ended up renting for one day then went to town to rent the other two days because they have the clip ins.
Flag of United States washington, United States

Current Customer Ratings

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Here you can enjoy a glimpse of the feedback and ratings received from our customers, happy to share their personal experiences with Skiservice Corvatsch.
5 out of 5 stars
Alles bestens, Schuhe mehrmals getauscht mit sehr guter Beratung.
Flag of Germany München, Germany
5 out of 5 stars
Alles super und unkompliziert. Nette und kompetente Angestellte!
March 2025 Flag of Switzerland Zürich, Switzerland
4.2 out of 5 stars
The shop staff was fine, but they selected very short skis and were relucatant to swap for a longer ski to accomodate my daughter and I. After asking to swap for 140cm skis, my daughter was still given 130cm. The quality of the skis was good, just odd that they didn’t have (or wouldn’t provide) the appropriate length.
Flag of United States Boston, United States

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